65 Wellness Wishes Program
Meghan’s Light 65 Wellness Wishes grants health-focused awards for wellness memberships and activities to Cystic Fibrosis patients treated at Boston Children’s Hospital, Baystate Medical Center and Mass General Hospital. The target number 65 references sixty-five roses a term used since 1965 by young children with cystic fibrosis trying to pronounce the name of their disease. While we started with 65 wishes, we have now granted over 500! The project honors Meghan’s lifelong passion for fitness.
Wishes Granted

Some examples of the wishes we grant...

My husband and I started dancing for our first dance and quickly fell in love with it. Not only is it great exercise but it’s an instant date night! With this gift, I look forward to physical and mental health.
Dance Lessons

I have been on IV antibiotics for 7 weeks and am still struggling to feel better. In addition to my pulmonary symptoms I am also experiencing lots of back pain from all the coughing, etc. I believe that a Reiki/Massage combo will help me feel better both inside and out. However, it’s a hard time of year financially so I could not afford this complementary therapy.
Reiki/Massage Sessions

I have been very ill the past few years and feel exercising would be very beneficial to my health and improve the quality of my life. My CF has really been taking a toll the past two years and fitness went to the sideline because my energy level was gone. I desperately want to get back into shape and improve the quality of my life again. I think having a personal trainer will keep me motivated and feel like I have extra support.
Personal Trainer

Joseph has been going to Taekwondo for 4 months. He really loves it and gets a lot of exercise and different experiences out of it. This would really help to keep him going and doing what he loves.
Taekwondo Classes

I am currently going through the lung-transplant evaluation for a 2 nd time. After going through Pulmonary Rehab twice, exercise is proving to be an essential part in staying off the transplant list and being overall healthier. Being able to acquire a treadmill will allow me to exercise at my pace, in my home with no excuses. It will also allow me to exercise without the health risks that public places can have on CF patients. When my lungs fail, when transplant becomes a reality, I want to be strong and ready.

We had to pay out of pocket for IVF so any help going towards yoga which helps me would be appreciated. I love love love yoga, I am so excited to get this opportunity. Yoga is an activity that may benefit patients with CF in many ways including strengthening muscles of breathing, improving lung function, and reducing stress which could improve quality of life and adherence to therapies.
Home Yoga
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