Meghan's Light Memorial Birthday Fund

Meghan’s Light Memorial Birthday Fund is a gift (valued at $250-$500) established in memory and honor of Meghan’s birthday on September 24. The recipient is a cystic fibrosis child and/or adult that represents qualities Meghan demonstrated and valued and is given to enrich the recipient’s life. Sample gifts include memberships to zoos, parks, and entertainment venues.
2024 | Seth, a resident of western Massachusetts
The 2024 recipient is Seth, a resident of Western MA. Upon learning of his award he shared, “I’d love the membership option for the Southwick’s Zoo in Mendon. It’s a nice outside zoo with lots of shade. It would be a place for me to get outside and get some exercise but not be too warm! And see cute animals of course!”
2023 | Angelo, a graduate student from Massachusetts
The 2021 recipient of the Meghan’s Light Memorial Birthday Fund is a gentleman named Angelo N. He shared a bit about his life and journey with cystic fibrosis:
My journey with CF has had many ups and downs, but I think it has definitely made me into the person I am today. I did not like to embrace having CF as a kid, out of fear or rejection by peers or others, but as I’ve gotten older, I’ve learned to accept it as a part of who I am. It motivated me to pursue a career in research, which I am still striving towards today as I start my master’s degree in bioinformatics. Meghan’s Light has been immensely helpful in supporting me.
I am so grateful to be the recipient of such an amazing award and I can’t thank Meghan’s Light enough for the help they have continued to provide to me. This award will provide so much value to my life, and I have already begun to think about all the amazing things I can do with it. I hope to continue to represent the qualities that Meghan demonstrated and I am so thankful to have been chosen!
2022, a Massachusetts resident
2021, a Father with a passion for life, exercise and fitness
“My name is Jesse Hodgkins and I was born in California in 1981 and was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis 6 months afterwards. Right now, I live in Lowell, Massachusetts with my wife and twin girls. My daily routine consists of doing my daily chest therapy and nebulizers, which can take 40-60 mins twice daily. Then, I try to do some sort of exercise, whether it be walking around the block or bike riding. Throughout the years, I would be admitted to the hospital 2-3 times a year due to some sort of lung infection, but since I have been taking Trikafta, I am now lucky enough to stay out of the hospital and go in at least once a year now. I like to tell people that ask me what keeps me going in life:
- Never give up on yourself, try to set yourself some goals to reach. Something small but attainable, once you reach that then set another one.
- Always try to stay active and move around, don’t stay in bed or on the couch all day. Get up and move, do some sort of exercise to get your blood flowing and heart pumping.
- Always take your daily medication and do your daily chest therapy and stretches. By doing this it will help you in the long run to stay out of the hospital but keep your mind and body in a healthy and better place!”
2020, a Teenager from MA
The 2020 Meghan’s Light Memorial Birthday Fund was awarded to a teenager that has a talent for acting and loves fashion and expressing herself on Instagram and TikTok. One day she hopes to be a famous model/actress and maybe even make her own brand and products.
Part of her daily routine of her cystic fibrosis (CF) treatments includes: vest therapy, 2 masks, and up to 7 enzymes/creon a day. She is thrilled to be receiving a treadmill and shared the following:
“I’m so happy that Meghan’s Light is granting me my wish. This will help with my lungs and exercise. With everything that’s going on (pandemic) I won’t have to leave the house with winter coming up so that’s cool too. I won’t have to wear a mask either. Meghan was truly an inspiration to CF children everywhere and wonderful gifts are given in her name every year. Thank you for everything you do for us. Thank you so much for the treadmill. I’m so grateful. Have a wonderful day. Thank you
2019 | Veronica, a UMass student with CF
This year’s recipient, Veronica, aligned perfectly with things Meghan valued. She is a member of the CHAARG organization at UMass, whose mission is to empower every CHAARG girl to be the best version of herself through embracing a happy and healthy lifestyle through fitness. This year was her 2nd year participating in the Meghan’s Light 5K Race and Family Fun Walk.
Veronica has two younger brothers named Chris and Harry, and two dogs, Charlie and Falmouth. She is a junior at UMass Amherst and from Wilmington, MA. Veronica is studying Legal Studies and Political Science and hopes to go to law school after she graduates. Throughout her life she has always been active. Growing up she participated on the soccer, track, and basketball teams. Since going to UMass, she joined CHAARG to remain active and healthy. Last summer, she was able to run the Falmouth Road Race with her family after watching them run every year for the CF Foundation from the sidelines. She was very lucky with her CF and remained relatively healthy throughout most of her life
2018 | Kate, a runner with CF
This years recipient was recognized several years ago with her involvement in the local and popular health group, “RYH” group which stands for “Run Your Health”. She immediately reminded Meghan’s Light members of Meghan with her spirit and evident love for exercise. Known as a fighter, Kate Daly stood out as she actively participated in the group despite her health condition and inspired many.
Two of the RYH leaders shared some sentiments about Kate we would like to share.
In the words of Candice:
“Kate…she’s a warrior! Always smiling, always insanely positive…when she’s stuck in the hospital for days…u would never be able to tell. She has more courage and determination than anyone I know. She will not give up, no matter what doctors tell her. She always says I will find a way and I will be back…walking, running, etc. I think about her every single time I run. I think about how I get to run anytime I want and for her it’s something she strives for every day. She’s just amazing!”
In the words of Laura:
“Kate is an amazing special human. I am so glad that she is being recognized, and given this award. Kate has incredible drive, positivity, and resilience.”
It is our honor to share that a bike was purchased for Kate to help make a meaningful difference in her life and support her passion for exercise. Ride free Kate!!!
2017 | Ella, a ten-year old with CF
2016 | Jason & Amy, a brother and sister with CF
I plan to continue the active lifestyle which you guys have honored me for. Now it won’t just be to keep myself healthy and happy but also to help show all those with CF or other illnesses that you don’t have to let the illnesses get in the way of living an adventurous or even just a normal life. Meghan was able to show others that CF wasn’t going to get in the way of her dreams and I hope that I can do the same to a new group of people.
It was such an honor to receive a Meghan’s Light Memorial Birthday Fund gift. With the gift cards to Barnes & Noble I am able to buy textbooks through my school bookstore. I am so grateful to be able to use this gift to further my education and hopefully make the world a better place. Thank you to all those who made this happen in remembrance of Meghan.
From the Parents of Jason and Amy
Meghan’s story of living life has provided both of them renewed energy and excitement to live life to its fullest and make a difference in this world.
2015 | Cassady, a three-year old from OH with CF
I cannot thank you enough for the amazing gift your organization gave our family! Cassady is going to love it! COSI [Center of Science and Industry] is one of the premiere children’s museums in the country and a meeting place for many of the families in Columbus during the cold winter months. This membership is more than just a great learning and family opportunity, it is also an entry into a kid’s social circle… Which I’m sure you can guess will help “normalize” Cassady with her peers (which is something that just can’t be measured and is amazingly important to us as parents)…
On a personal note, I’m truly touched that Meghan’s Light chose Cassady as their recipient this first year.
We were struck by her [Meghan’s] joy for living (even in the face of its short span) and her ability and willingness to not waste the chance she was given to experience the world. On that trip home we realized that we wanted to be people who lived just that way. We wanted to be parents who raised children to live just that way. And, we realized that Cassady’s CF diagnosis could actually be the catalyst to creating a family filled with a life living spirit and wealth of experiences together.
Once again, THANK YOU! This is a thoughtful, helpful, and FUN gesture! And in my mind, that is just like Meghan.